Well, finally after six and a half months, I am back on Selborne Road. Trust me, it hasn’t been an easy six and a half months, spending time at MacNeal Hospital, The Woodlands at Cantata and the rehab center at Cantata. 

So here goes for today’s trek home — a trip I wasn’t sure I was going to make. There had been whispers that Aug. 14 was the day, but nobody told me definitely. Around 10 a.m. they told me they were going to transport me at 11 a.m. 

Hey, that means I’ll miss my lunch which would have come between 11:30 a.m. and noon. It sounded pretty good also, a barbeque pork sandwich. 

So came the announcement, “They’re here to pick you up.” Don’t I get a chance to put everything together? No, that’s where the aides came in armed with large plastic bags and proceeded to pack everything. I grabbed my purse so I could put my “valuables” like my York Peppermint Patty bars and a few other things. 

Now here comes the transport team, both of them guaranteeing they had done this 1,000 times, although I don’t think they were old enough to achieve that number. So, I close my eyes, give my body and, on a count of 1, 2, 3, I’m moved. The kids were stronger than they looked.

Safely in the ambulance we go to Riverside and home. I must say the timing was perfect as we opened the doors of Cantata — thunder and rain. Poor me, now we were all wet. The ambulance service didn’t have anything to put over me, so I arrived to Selborne Road sopping wet but finally home. Another flip onto the hospital bed, now a wet bed but one at home.

While it may have seemed that there was time for a damp nap, no such luck as it was time for a visit from the service that would be helping us at home. 

The good thing about being home, and there are many — I can have more visitors or wave to you as you pass the house. I’ve missed seeing outside. 

Those of you who have sent cards, thank you and if you think I don’t know who you are, I do. Too bad I wasn’t able to use the flower purse this year. Thanks, Jeri.

Now, and I mean it, it’s time for a little snooze.